I hate taxes and I'm a little overcommitted for the time being. Sunny days are on the way and I hope to enjoy them.....so I gotta buckle down and take care of some shit now. New blogs will come.
How about the crazy fat man on the subway last night who proceeded to stuff his face with a large bag of wafer cookies, which were crumbling all over his lap, and then proceeded to bang on the chairs next to me in order to get my attention. I could hear him mumbling something about believing in the power of Christ through the breaks in song on my Ipod. How about I totally ignored him! But, what I really wanted to do was turn to him, take my head phone out of my ear and say, "Right, so you're crazy and I wan't want to talk to you." Instead I just stared staright ahead and imagined what it would be like to actually say something like that.
How about I'm in improv every week now and it's great?!
How about it?