Saturday, February 10, 2007

Not gay enough.

I have recently been wondering whether or not I'm a self hating homosexual.

I don't think I am. I love gay. But why do I lead such a heterosexual lifestyle?.....comparatively.

I mean, I'm gay. Come on. But I feel like I'm influenced too much by the straight world. Maybe it's because most of my friends are straight and we do alot of what you would deem to be "straight" activities. I mean, going to a bar isn't necessarily "straight" but that's my whole point. I'm always going out to the straight places. I never go out to gay bars. I never hang out with my people. I'm around my people constantly. I work with them, some of them come out with me to the straight bars and so forth, but that's about it.

Am I gay enough?

I've never been to fire island. That's gay, right?

What's gay?

I want to embrace my homosexuality more.

I have embraced my homosexuality fully....I take that back. Maybe I just want to be more familiar with the gay scene. In New York. Specifically. Since that's where I live.

Maybe I should just have a gay night with gay friends more often.

Anybody. Gay. What.

This is a gay blog.


Jen said...


Jacquelyn said...

Clayton, the current issue of Time Out New York is called:

"WHY YOU'RE SINGLE (And what you can do about it)"

Reason #15: Because you're a gay man who only goes out with his straight friends.

"If you can't bair to be apart from your breeder buddies, take them to DIRTY TOWN, Friday nights at Lit (93 2nd Ave b/t 5th and 6th). You can all enjoy the thumping beats and everyone can find someone to chat up. Gay guys who really want to make up for lost time should sign up for QWIK DATES at the LGBT Community Center (208 W. 13th St. the popular monthly speed dating events, you get one-on-one face time with three different cuties before mingling in a casual group atmosphere"

I love you. Happy Valentine's Day, slugger.

Clay said...

Thank you least your response was enlightening and supportive. I love you too.

Jacquelyn said...

i should also mention that the cover of that issue was a man holding an enormous Humphrey cat on his lap...across the cat was printed: "WHY YOU'RE SINGLE"

sorry about that